来自比利时合作伙伴——AppliTek 公司CEO的新春祝福
打印自: 安恒新闻
地址: HTTP://spc.watertest.com.cn/news/article.php?articleid=2771
来自比利时合作伙伴——AppliTek 公司CEO的新春祝福

正值中国传统新春佳节期间,作为世界上优秀的(自动)在线分析测量设备专业制造商,比利时AppliTek公司CEO David Laurier也给中国的合作伙伴安恒集团和全体中国客户发来新春问候,同时预祝2016年与安恒集团在中国(自动)水质在线分析测量市场协力前进大展宏图!


David Laurier, CEO AppliTek (8. February, 2016)

David Laurier致AppliTek亲爱的合作伙伴、客户和朋友们:







Dear Stakeholders and friends of AppliTek:

2015 has been a remarkable year for AppliTek. We turned 30 this year and we never have been so successful as this year 2015. Revenues, earnings, expenditures in R&D, new product launches, … all created a very sound base for the years to come… Again, our new products and new application fields are now fueling our rapid growth into 2016. Our market channel access strategy has created the vast platform we envisaged. Soon we will announce major disruptive innovations to our product portfolio.
It is also noteworthy to mention that AppliTek were certified ISO9001-2015 in October 2015 probably as the first company in the world to have acquired this brand new version of the ISO9001 quality certifcation programme.
Our 2016 outlook, order pipeline and forecast is quite stunning and we are expecting double or even triple growth figures in 2016.
We would like to thank hereby all our stakeholders for their motivation, dedication and confidence in AppliTek. We all at AppliTek wish you all a 2016 full of joy, health, happiness and friendship!

AppliTek in 2016, more than ever, in Business to serve you!

All the best,Happy Spring Festival!

David Laurier, MBA
CEO & Executive Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Member of the Committee
'International Relations' of the Belgian Federation of Enterprises

 AppliTek公司成立于1985年,是一家总部位于欧洲比利时的,其核心技术是分析技术。所生产的分析仪器凭借性 能稳定、测量准确、维护量小、维护费用低等优势得到了地表水、饮用水、市政污水、工业污水及工业循环水等领域客户的青睐。AppliTek公司致力于为客 户提供优异的产品、强有力的技术支持和完善的售前售后服务。业务覆盖全世界100多个国家和地区,并拥有众多世界500强企业客户。

责任编辑: 市场部